Jersey Shore Journal

Jersey Shore Journal - Life and Times at the Jersey Shore

Friday, May 4, 2012

And They're Off! Kentucky Derby

It's that time! Kentucky Derby

Check out all the fun Sat. night around 5:30 pm and don't forget to wear a hat.
Here's what I'll be serving. Check out the recipes- Jennifer aka Gigi

Mint Juleps and

Kentucky Hot Brown

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pray for America

Thursday is the National Day of Prayer.
Thursday May 3, 2012

Blessed is is the Nation whose God is the Lord.

This is a very important time in our history to be praying for the direction of our country and
against those who are seeking to change it. Teach your children the power of prayer and take
time to seek God and ask for forgiveness.

God bless you all! Jennifer aka Gigi